Full Name:
Contact number
Email Address:
Which order you want to made? Cap painting
Satin shawls
(For cap painting) What kind of design you desire? please describe it with details
(For satin shawl(s) order) Product name & quantity
Payment method Maybank
Bank Islam
I will pay latest by (before/on) Now
Within 2 days
In a week
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How to order

1. Please fill in the ORDER FORM provided for you or SMS to 01111046576 (state your desired items) for quick reply.

2. Choose your type of order either cap painting or shawls

3. If you choose to order cap painting, then leave the shawl space BLANK if you choose otherwise, I think you get the point right?

4. Please wait for my confirmation e-mail or text message and I will tell the delivery charges and bank account number as well.

5. Make your payment and email/sms your proof of payment.

6. Item(s) will be posted after your payment is confirmed.

7. Good(s) sold are not returnable or exchangeable.